API Search Constructor (Adverse Drug Events)

  • The data on this page is pulled using the adverse drug event API as referenced on the open FDA site https://open.fda.gov/apis/. All disclaimers and limitations from the open FDA site apply to this data retrieval.
  • By default, the API limits results at 100. Limits can be increased to 1000 max. That is limited by the FDA for performance and can impact your data.
  • Each of the searchbar lookups are pulling directly from the API to show exactly how the data is stored. Just start typing and the search starts automatically. When the lookup begins searching, it may take a few seconds longer the first time and faster subsequent times since the browser will cache the results.
  • Not to take anything away from the current interactive graphs provided by the FDA. They have a graphical tool too. Both tools have different options and functionality to consider.
  • Use spelling, capitalization, and suffixes of values as they appear exactly in the lookup results below. These values show exactly how openFDA has the data stored, and the URL constructor defaults to matching on the exact text as included.
  • To learn more about how to use this search tool, use the guide here.

Use "include" buttons to filter your data (X axis/labels). Any combination of parameters can be used, including multiples of the same field (e.g. Patient Reaction = WHEEZING, ASTHMA, etc)

Use "count by" buttons to quantify your data (Y axis/percentage). Only one parameter can be selectable per search.

Received Date:

    Age Range:

      Age Group:

        Patient Sex:


            Reported By:

              Unique Safety Report ID:

                Limit Number of Results:

                  Constructed Adverse Drug Event URL